Is there a Need for “Comfortable Treatment Options” as an Alternative to “Community Treatment Order” in the Light of MHCA–2017?
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Is there a Need for “Comfortable Treatment Options” as an Alternative to “Community Treatment Order” in the Light of MHCA–2017?. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2020; 14 (2):45-46.
There is a need for introducing community treatment order (CTO) like legal measures by amendments in Mental healthcare Act (MHCA), 2017. In the future, there would be a need for well-designed studies of patients with severe mental illness with CTO options that look into outcome parameters like illness control, functionality, violence, self-harm, suicide, criminality, legal issue, and disability-adjusted life years. In addition, studies on caregivers’ perspective and their quality of life, economics, and rehospitalization would shed more light on the utility of CTO in India. Envisioning similar provisions of leave of absence as a prerequisite to symptomatic person with mental illness who do not want to get admitted can be pathbreaking.
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