Keywords :
Alcohol-dependence syndrome, Family resilience, Well-being
Citation Information :
Ahmed R, Srivastava MK, Singh U. Impact of Social Network Therapy on Family Resilience and Well-being among Spouses of Individuals with Alcohol-dependence Syndrome. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2024; 18 (1):9-12.
Background: Consumption of alcohol is associated with various psychological conditions, people with alcohol use faces negative consequences, like losing employment or destroying relationships with persons they love. Hazardous alcohol intake is also related to the low mental well-being of an individual or their family members.
Aim: The current study was aimed to examine efficacy of social network therapy on family resilience and well-being among partners of male individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome.
Methodology: Pre–post experimental research design with control group was used. Total 20 male participants diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome as per ICD-10 criteria were selected for the research; random allocation was done for in the control and experimental groups, with 10 participants in each group. Sample selection was done followed by purposive sampling technique. Socio-demographic and clinical data sheet, family resilience assessment scale (FRAS), and Postgraduate Institute (PGI) general well-being scale were applied to assess pre–post results.
Results: The study reports network therapy does significant improvements in participants’ family resilience and helps in boosting well-being.
Conclusion: Network therapy creates a positive aspect to change and reduce the chance of relapse among individuals with alcohol-dependence syndrome (ADS).
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