Citation Information :
Chakraborty K, Chatterjee M, Neogi R, Bhattacharyya R, Agarwal M, Chatterjee S, Saha G. Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of COVID-19: An Online Survey. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2023; 17 (1):26-33.
Background: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is known to cause neuropsychiatric sequelae. However, there is dearth of data regarding the same from this subcontinent.
Aim and objectives: To determine the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms among patients who recovered from COVID-19 illness.
Materials and methods: It was an online survey that was conducted by using Google form with link sent by using WhatsApp to subjects who suffered and recovered from COVID-19 illness. The online survey was done through a 71-item self-designed questionnaire. It took around 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. In total, 250 responses were received.
Results: A typical subject was male (63.2%), healthcare provider (33.6%), Hindu (96.4%) by religion, and from urban background (74%). Nearly about two-fifths (43.2%) and one-fifth (20.8%) of the subjects had comorbid physical and psychiatric disorders, respectively. Majority of the subjects had COVID-19 illness in the past 1 month. Nearly about one-sixth (17.6%) of the subjects lost somebody in their family due to COVID-19. Majority (59.2%) of the subjects experienced persistent fatigue after recovering from COVID-19. Nearly about one-third of the subjects experienced persistent low mood (34.8%), sleep difficulty (38.8%), anxiety symptoms (39.6%), irritability (34.4%), difficulty in concentrating (39.6%), and forgetfulness (30.8%). Nearly about one-sixth of the subjects had panic attacks (18.4%), flashback of illness (16%), obsessive–compulsive symptoms (18.8%), and sexual difficulty (16%) after recovering from COVID-19. Nearly half of the subjects became more preoccupied about bodily symptoms (45.6%), became more anxious on reading COVID-19-related news (45.2%), and hence avoided the same (49.6%). Nearly about one-fifth of the subjects had persistent loss of smell (25.6%), taste (20.4%), and brain fog (26.4%). A miniscule proportion of the subjects had new-onset headache (15.2%), giddiness (12%), and tremor of hands (9.6%).
Conclusion: The index survey suggested that neuropsychiatric symptoms are quite prevalent after recovering from COVID-19 illness.
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