VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2020 ) > List of Articles
Rishab Verma, Shaunak Ajinkya
Citation Information : Verma R, Ajinkya S. Patterns of Consultation-liaison Psychiatry among Inpatients at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2020; 14 (1):35-40.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10067-0052
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 11-02-2021
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).
Background: There is sparse literature on the profile of consultation–liaison psychiatry (CLP) across tertiary institutions in developing countries like India. Aims: To assess specific patterns of referrals to psychiatry, psychiatric diagnosis, and interventions among inpatients admitted at a tertiary care hospital and to explore demographic and correlation factors. Materials and methods: An observational type of cross-sectional study was conducted assessing consecutive inpatients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria referred to the Psychiatry Department for Consultation-liaison Psychiatry. Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) clearance was obtained. A structured predesigned data collection form was used to assess relevant variables, and analysis was done comprising frequency analysis, mean, percentage, chi-square test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multiple logistic regressions. Results: We analyzed a convenient sample profile of 100 referrals. The mean age of the sample was 40.95 years (SD = 18.05) with 70% males. Eighty-one percent were from rural areas with 19% from urban areas. The mean days of referral were 2.27 days (SD = 3.155). The medicine department contributed to maximum referrals (60%). Common reasons for referral were substance use (23%) and self-harm (20%). The most common psychiatric diagnosis was alcohol dependence (24%). The dual diagnosis was observed in 10% of patients. Correlational regression analysis found that alcohol dependence was significantly seen in males, while depression and adjustment disorders were seen in females. Fifty-eight percent received oral psychiatric medications, while 42% received only psychotherapy. Seventy-six percent of patients/caregivers were not adequately communicated by the referring team about specific reasons for reference to psychiatry. Conclusion: Our study has relevant implications for research and clinical care across CLP.