Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Patients Attending a Private Psychiatry Clinic in Assam, India
Prosenjit Ghosh, Monu Doley, Anshuman Gogoi
Keywords :
Analysis of a psychiatric clinic, Demographic profile, Dropout, Morbidity, Private psychiatric clinic
Citation Information :
Ghosh P, Doley M, Gogoi A. Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Patients Attending a Private Psychiatry Clinic in Assam, India. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2019; 13 (2):52-57.
Background: Mental illness is a public health issue all over the world. The morbidity pattern in private clinics differs significantly from general hospitals. Private psychiatric clinics provide help for large number of our population, but they have seldom been evaluated systematically. It has been observed that many patients particularly from upper socioeconomic background prefer visiting a private clinic. Hence, the study is planned in this direction. The study was aimed to assess the morbidity pattern of psychiatric patients attending a private psychiatric clinic.
Aim: To analyze the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the clients attending the private clinic and to study the pattern of follow-up.
Materials and methods: All records from February 1, 2019 to April 30, 2019 were analyzed. This is a descriptive study.
Results and conclusion: A total of 1,020 new patients visited the clinic in this period. We found that mental disorders comprise a wide variety of disorders—mainly psychotic, mood disorders, and neurotic disorders. They affect the most productive age groups, almost equally affect both the genders, and there was a slight preponderance of rural patients.
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