Klein Levin Syndrome and Cavum Verge: A Midline Rarity
Seshadri S Chatterjee, Soumitra Das, Adesh K Agrawal
Keywords :
Cavum verge, Hypersomnia, Klein Levin syndrome
Citation Information :
Chatterjee SS, Das S, Agrawal AK. Klein Levin Syndrome and Cavum Verge: A Midline Rarity. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2018; 12 (2):55-56.
Klein Levin syndrome (KLS) is rare triad of episodic hypersomnolence, hyperphagia, and hypersexuality. Cavum verge (CV), although, mainly reported as a non-pathological, incidental, neuro-radiological abnormality by itself, may sometimes be associated with behavioral and psychiatric abnormalities. We here present a case of KLS with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) finding of Cavum verge. We then discuss the current literature of both the disorders and try to find some heuristic associations, if any, between the two.
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