Study of Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Admitted Patient Leaving Against Medical Advice from Psychiatry Ward of a Teaching Hospital
Prosenjit Ghosh, Jayanta Kurmi
Keywords :
Faith healer, Leaving against medical advice, Substance abuse
Citation Information :
Ghosh P, Kurmi J. Study of Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Admitted Patient Leaving Against Medical Advice from Psychiatry Ward of a Teaching Hospital. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2018; 12 (2):39-45.
Introduction: Leaving against medical advice (LAMA) meaning a patient choosing to leave the hospital before the treating physician recommends discharge may result into inadequate treatment, relapse and prolonged duration of illness.
Aim and objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, reasos for LAMA, sociodemographic variables and clinical profile of such patients.
Materials and methods: Retrospectively data were obtained from indoor register of a Psychiatry department of a teaching hospital for patients opting LAMA, during a period of 18 months from January 2017 up to June 2018. International Classification of Disease (ICD)-10 criteria was used for the diagnosis purpose.
Results: Out of 569 patients admitted during the study period total 60 patients fulfilled the criteria for LAMA. The frequency of LAMA was found to be 10.5%. LAMA was found to be more common in those below age 40 years (85%), in those from nonurban background (75%), who were educated up to high school (71%), who were suffering from neurotic, and psychotic and substance abuse disorders. The commonest reason cited for LAMA was going to faith healer and most of the LAMA occurred within first four days of hospitalization.
Conclusion: Leaving against medical advice (LAMA) is a frequent problem in psychiatric inpatients and is a matter of great concern for the treating doctors
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